Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Glen Beck is Nuts
1.Obama has "exposed himself as a guy" with "a deep seated hatred for white people"
2.Obama "wants to create a civilian army" of "community organizers ... more well-funded than the military"
3.Obama is "fundamentally transforming" the country to make it "look more like ACORN"
4. Healthcare "system is going to come out the other side dictorial - it's going to come out a fascist state"
5. Beck claims Obama tanking economy to drive teenagers into ACORN, Americorps
6.Obama agenda driven by "reparations" and desire to "settle old racial scores"
I could go on and on but I don't have that much time. The big problem with people like Beck is that he has millions of people hanging on and believing every word this nut spouts. To me it is the scariest part of people like Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. These guys will say anything that comes into their heads to attack what ever President Obama says and a large part of their audience will take it as the word of god. People complain about President Obama being over exposed on TV, but he has to set the records straight. With these guys, plus many more of lesser right wing talkers are out there spreading lies and miss information every day 7 days a week about health care, he has to be out there. Lets have an honest debate that's all I want and I am sure that's what most people want.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Is Global Warming Good for Maine?
Things have certainly changed since we got into the 21st Century. It’s been nearly 60 years since we were worried about the economy melting down, and we had no concept of Global Warming. Yeah we knew their were a lot of places our fathers said they used to swim that are now polluted, but ice caps melting seemed unimaginable to us.
This is the brave new world we are in and what the baby boomer generation is leaving for our kids. With over 10,000 people per day (that’s over 7 people/ minute) slipping into this dubious status, we have to rethink the world, as we know it. If your one of the many Boomers filled with more doubt than money and endlessly paranoid about the state of the economy and your worth in a global economy, this article may be a guidebook to your future.
We are faced with the eminent choice of when to retire, where to retire and what to do when that fateful day is forced upon us. So this summer I took a page from the early days of our youth and went on a road trip. This was right out of a Jack Kerouac novel. When you need to learn about life you hit the road, hang loose and observe.
So the road trip was to see how friends who formerly lived and worked all their years in the high priced New York Metro area spent their time in the golden years. Yes I visited many friends who have moved up and down the east coast to less expensive areas with the majority thinking Florida was the place to retire. But these people are kidding themselves because they are only focused on the economy and were forgetting Global Warming.
Where did we head to find the smart retirees? Why to Maine of course! Why are they in Maine you ask? The choice is really quite easy for many. Yes you can cut your taxes and expenses anywhere out of the NY area but those in Maine are the smart ones for finding that large, under populated, state to our north. If we boomers have inherited the sins of our fathers and a world of Global Warming why not use it to our advantage and settle in the weather, which is becoming the new New Jersey. Those friends who are heading south are making a big mistake. Because as the climate changes, Maine is the new New Jersey, New Jersey is the new North Carolina. North Carolina is the new Florida and Florida is the new HELL! Maybe so many of us are heading south to get ready for their afterlife, and it’s a good place to warm up.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Fox Crop
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The latest phenomenon by taxpayers is tea parties imitating the early patriots protest against taxation without representation. The British placed taxes on many products in the 18th Century leading up to the American Revolution. Since tea was a staple to the Brits, they taxed it and other products, to make the colonies pay for themselves. No wonder the Americans eventually became coffee drinkers. We are seeing protests all over the US with such items as teabag earrings to make the point again. It’s easy to aim all protests at the Federal Government. But it is important that we taxpayers aim our wrath in the right direction. In the state of New Jersey where I live, we have the ironic distinction of being the highest taxed state in the Union. The Governors of the state have never really addressed the heart of the problem for fear of losing the support of the real power brokers in the state. The often corrupt and always arrogant county freeholders are notorious in this state for never being voted out. Hudson County in the early 20th century is the poster child for this system. How can we lower our taxes when each county in the state is consuming over $1,250,000 per day to duplicate the services of the municipalities and the state? Jobs cannot be dismantled and the increases in pay are constant and with little or no opposition. Taxpayers that take their time and energy to show up and speak their mind are often laughed at and cut short by the freeholders holding the meetings. Who gets the jobs in county government? Relatives of the freeholders are holding the majority of the jobs. The argument in this economic crisis by my county to save the jobs of county workers is to cut services for the taxpayers. The latest in my county is closing a county run golf course at a time when baby boomers are being retired at a record pace and the other unemployed have too much time on their hands. Our course where you don’t have to pay county club fees is closed and plowed over in record time. In New Jersey the construction on county roads is a lifetime affair of holding up traffic and rerouting lanes, but the golf course is plowed over in record time. The employees who get to keep their jobs while private businesses are averaging several hundred thousand new unemployed per month. The worst part is because of their seniority all earn over $100,000 per year. Is it any wonder we are paying over a million a month for these bureaucrats and their relatives to stay employed? The pensions of these people will burden our children with taxes for years to come. What private company has a pension plan anymore? Everyone is ready to let General Motors die because they are bleeding red ink from the pensions of the past autoworkers.
New England has done the best job to address the problem by doing away with the county tax drains and giving the services to the municipalities and townships. If the State of New Jersey were a private business the reorganization of this type of money drain would have taken place years ago. But since they are funded by our tax dollars they are fighting for lifetime employment. It is time to resurrect the old adage for earth day to think globally and act locally. There is no advantage of blaming a 90-day-old President for a hundred years of duplicate services, jobs for life and pensions, which have not been available in the private sector for over 20 years. The taxpayer revolution has to start by streamlining the bloated government right in our states.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Are We Really That Crazy?
Warning, there are words in this, that could offend someone who is offended by certain words. So watch out.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Island Paradise with a Bad Rap
When looking for a get away, we have many more choices than the average person has the money to spend on rest and relaxation these days. For a large majority of people the daily grind of working each day is just a means to get away to the land of the rich and leisurely for that well earned vacation we dream of. It helps us get through each dreary day we schlep into work and home again for what turns out to be most of our lives. But the question each year for those few precious weeks we are allotted by the companies we work for is where to spend the savings we have eked out from our monthly expenses. When it comes to a family vacation by far the locations include beaches and warm weather. Hawaii I just read is the first choice for Americans. Why not! Consistently warm weather, no passport required and no hassles with the currency. But the distance for those of us on the East Coast has been a limiting factor. You don't go for a few days? Even a week kills two full days of travel and the jet lag takes away from several more days both going and coming. The Caribbean Islands and Mexico are very popular locations. Recently Mexico is suffering from the bad press of their drug lords. What is an American tourist worth in negotiations to free their captured leaders. And don't forget the water. How many or us have had some degree of the dreaded Montezuma's revenge? How do you avoid salads and other things made with tap water?
So we have a seemingly endless number of islands to choose from dotting the Caribbean for that well-earned time to rejuvenate. I have been to many of them and like to try a new one each time since when you've see them once, you want a new adventure next time. All of this leads to the fact that this year's family choice was Aruba. Of my many years of vacations it is a repeat that took 25 years to go back to. This is mostly due to the fact that it's a big world and so many places to go. Last time to Aruba was all-inclusive and just my wife and I. This time was a family adventure and my sister, daughter and niece were joining us. It is unfortunate that when we hear the word Aruba our association is immediately with Natalee Holloway. If the name has quickly slipped our aging minds, she is the young girl who disappeared on a class graduation trip. Every parent�s worst fear!� But oddly enough of all vacation choices, it may be the safest of all places to go. Even Honolulu has a much higher crime rate. Having been to Jamaica and the Bahamas you don't just walk around everywhere you please. Only Bermuda is as upscale as Aruba when it comes to safety, which usually correlates the amount of poverty on the island. Everybody takes the US dollar so no problems converting currency. And the weather just as in the commercials is consistently 86 degrees in the day and 75 at night. Yes it is a breezy island with the air moving most of the time. Some days are more than others. Why the bad rap? Because this is the last place you would expect the missing teen story. Since the suspect was a local of Dutch extraction with a rich father who happened to be a judge, local authorities mishandled the case. If the crime were committed by a poor native on any of the islands in the Caribbean we would be awaiting their execution for the justice that American's and particularly Nancy Grace are seeking. How many readers with young female daughters would have picked Aruba for their vacation?
Post written by Barry the Boomer.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Perfect Solution
Problem solved.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Zombie Nation
I thought I was still dreaming. I woke up one morning and the America I knew and loved was gone. People were detached from reality. In public, they wandered aimlessly in slow monotonous pace. Their mouths spewed indiscernible mumbles under their rapid breath, swaying with a glazed stupor in their eyes, unable to engage in general discourse. Logically, it would appear I was describing transition to decay in a movie like Dawn of the Dead. But what is happening now might be scarier. I decided to investigate the cause of a lethargic nation and where better to find the basis of any fear based pandemic than the cesspool of American Culture; TV.
With a finger fixated on the kill switch, I flipped on a television and began to explore the basis of American befuddlement. It all became clear. All the major news stations, MSNBC, CNN, BBC, ABC and even fake stations like Fox were spewing infection. Headlines and news articles continued to post the treacheries and confusions. It was hour after hour, headline after headline of jargon rich, economic talk with no clear answers and no clear prognosis. Terms like Collateralized Debt Obligations, LIBOR, Credit Default Swaps, Netting, Leverage, Sub-Prime Mortgage, IMF, FED Interest Rate, Troubled Assets, Money Markets and Mortgage-Back Securities were injected into common language leaving people spinning away from reality.
I will be the first to admit; sometimes I will sit out an important news story. I won't look up the causes or dive into the story and will be left to sit on the bench waiting for the story to pass. Ask me today about the recent Jordan/Russian conflict and I could give you a synopsis fit for a 3rd grader. But this was bigger. This was the...Credit Crisis.
More and more people are holding their breath, waiting for this story to pass. But every economic indicator and headline of major newspapers continue to marvel us with "Record Low" stock performance or "Record High" Interest Rate". This one, unfortunately, is not going away.
So, is the only solution to download the TRAP bill and read the 716 page document in its entirety? Should we withdraw all our money and use it to pad our devalued houses and slowly go crazy mumbling London InterBank Offer Rate? Quite the contrary, I found the antidote. In a sea of nonsensical, incoherent, and meaningless talk, I have found the solution. Simplicity.
As the first part of simplifying where all the money has gone, I will start with this video. Put best by Martin Fischer "Knowledge is the process of piling up fact; wisdom lies in their simplification". We are in an era of information but wisdom is fleeting quickly. Let’s all do our parts.
The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Fact Check for Yourself
On March 4 Bill O'Rielly played a clip of ,the then candidate, Obama saying "We are going to ban all earmarks, the process by which individual members insert pet projects without review." Then O'Rielly states that he just signed the budget that had 9000 earmarks in it. O'Rielly was misrepresenting what Obama had said. Obama was referring to his desire to "ban all earmarks" from his "recovery and reinvestment plan," which he specifically distinguished from "the overall budget process." But if you don't follow up on what all of these talking heads saying is fact, you would just take what O'Rielly on face value.
Brian Kilmeade on Fox and Friends falsely said that President Obama has proposed eliminating the ability of taxpayers to take income tax deductions for their charitable contributions. Which is false. Obama has not proposed eliminating the charitable donation income tax deduction for any taxpayers. Rather, a provision in Obama's budget proposal would, beginning in fiscal year 2011, reduce the tax rate at which families earning more than $250,000 per year can take itemized deductions to 28 percent. Once again if you didn't look around and you take it at face value they you are misinformed.
Fox News' Special Report hosts Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly, respectively, misrepresented the reported plans of the Obama administration to reverse the Bush administration regulation to falsely state that the Obama administration's decision could result in doctors' being prosecuted or discriminated against for refusing to perform abortions. But the real story is that Federal law -- which the Obama administration cannot repeal, states that the regulation which prohibits public officials from requiring recipients of public funds to perform abortions or sterilizations in violation of their religious or moral beliefs. Similarly, federal law prohibits entities receiving public funds from discriminating against personnel who refuse to perform those procedures for those reasons. Check it out right here.
These are but a few of the stories that are being spread around the news. Fox is a big purveyor of these false stories, but it is other news organizations are doing similar misinformation as well. So just don't rely on the talking heads check it out for yourselves. The Internet is a wonderful place for information just go out and find it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
13-Year-Old Might be the Smartest Republican
Short Sell America...Trade China!
The Voices of the Republicans
Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh calls concern about the ozone layer: "balderdash. Poppycock." The only people who worry about it are "environmental wackos," "dunderheaded alarmists and prophets of doom."
"I hope Obama fails."
Go here for more words of wisdom.
Ann Coulter
There is just not much room to post all the wacky things that she has said ,so just go here for a list of just a couple of quotes.
Newt Gingridge
I just have to print this about Newt and his family values.
In 1981, Newt dumped his first wife, Jackie Battley, for Marianne, wife number 2, while Jackie was in the hospital undergoing cancer treatment. Marianne and Newt divorced in December, 1999 after Marianne found out about Newt's long-running affair with Callista Bisek, his one-time congressional aide. Gingrich asked Marianne for the divorce by phoning her on Mother's Day, 1999. [Source: New York Post, July 18, 2000
Go here for Newt's words of wisdom.