Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Is Global Warming Good for Maine?

By: Barry “The Boomer”

Things have certainly changed since we got into the 21st Century. It’s been nearly 60 years since we were worried about the economy melting down, and we had no concept of Global Warming. Yeah we knew their were a lot of places our fathers said they used to swim that are now polluted, but ice caps melting seemed unimaginable to us.

This is the brave new world we are in and what the baby boomer generation is leaving for our kids. With over 10,000 people per day (that’s over 7 people/ minute) slipping into this dubious status, we have to rethink the world, as we know it. If your one of the many Boomers filled with more doubt than money and endlessly paranoid about the state of the economy and your worth in a global economy, this article may be a guidebook to your future.

We are faced with the eminent choice of when to retire, where to retire and what to do when that fateful day is forced upon us. So this summer I took a page from the early days of our youth and went on a road trip. This was right out of a Jack Kerouac novel. When you need to learn about life you hit the road, hang loose and observe.

So the road trip was to see how friends who formerly lived and worked all their years in the high priced New York Metro area spent their time in the golden years. Yes I visited many friends who have moved up and down the east coast to less expensive areas with the majority thinking Florida was the place to retire. But these people are kidding themselves because they are only focused on the economy and were forgetting Global Warming.

Where did we head to find the smart retirees? Why to Maine of course! Why are they in Maine you ask? The choice is really quite easy for many. Yes you can cut your taxes and expenses anywhere out of the NY area but those in Maine are the smart ones for finding that large, under populated, state to our north. If we boomers have inherited the sins of our fathers and a world of Global Warming why not use it to our advantage and settle in the weather, which is becoming the new New Jersey. Those friends who are heading south are making a big mistake. Because as the climate changes, Maine is the new New Jersey, New Jersey is the new North Carolina. North Carolina is the new Florida and Florida is the new HELL! Maybe so many of us are heading south to get ready for their afterlife, and it’s a good place to warm up.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what the real estate prices are like on the artic circle.
